Empowering Non-Profit Leaders, Transforming Society: Discover How AdvantEdge Leadership Gives Back

Team Development

Team Development for Peak Performance

In today's dynamic business environment, executive teams are crucial in steering organizational success. Yet, these teams often encounter diverse challenges that can dampen their efficiency and outcomes:

  • Delivering Critical Goals: Misalignments and fragmented strategies often obstruct the achievement of significant objectives.
  • New Team Formation: Rapidly building trust and achieving alignment in new teams is critical yet daunting.
  • Project Management: Keeping crucial projects on course, on time, and within budget demands solid team dynamics and accountability.
  • Addressing Dysfunction: Tackling conflicts and dysfunctional behaviors is essential to sustain productivity and morale.
  • Breaking Down Silos: Fostering inter-departmental collaboration is key to dissolving silos and enhancing communication.
  • Developing Leaders: It is increasingly vital to find cost-effective ways to cultivate potential leaders while managing everyday operations.

At AdvantEdge Leadership, we go beyond conventional team development to offer transformative solutions designed to overcome these challenges and unleash your team’s full potential.

The AdvantEdge Peak Performance Model™: A Five-Step Process

Unlock the full potential of your executive leadership team with AdvantEdge Leadership's proven framework. Our unique five-step process empowers teams to excel in achieving critical goals, fostering new team dynamics and enhancing overall operational efficiency. From resolving conflicts to developing leaders and breaking down silos, we deliver tailored, impactful solutions that drive collaboration, innovation and exceptional results.

1.Discover: Understand Team Dynamics and needs

At the initiation of our process, we deploy Human-Centered Design Thinking to deeply understand the unique dynamics and requirements of your team:

  • Empathize: Gathering deep insights into both individual experiences and collective team dynamics.
  • Define and Ideate: Identifying challenges and opportunities to forge customized, innovative solutions.
  • Prototype and Implement: Refining and aligning solutions meticulously with your team’s objectives.

2.Engage: Boost team commitment through full member engagement

Integrating Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder-Centered Coaching, we embed essential improvements directly within your team’s operations:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging every team member in the transformation process to boost commitment and relevance.
  • Feedforward Mechanism: Focusing on future-oriented improvements rather than past feedback.
  • Continuous Adjustment: Utilizing regular assessments to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

3.Resolve: overcome communication barriers for improved collaboration

Employing Patrick Lencioni’s insights and our proprietary Conflict to Confluenceframeworks, we tactically address and resolve barriers to team effectiveness:

  • Building Trust: Creating a safe space for vulnerability and strength utilization.
  • Mastering Conflict: Encouraging constructive debates to benefit from diverse perspectives.
  • Achieving Commitment: Aligning all members with shared goals.
  • Embracing Accountability: Cultivating a culture of mutual responsibility.
  • Focusing on Results: Prioritizing collective achievements.

4. Align: unify Leadership & vision for strategic team alignment

Our model fortifies a cohesive leadership approach and establishes clear, strategic organizational goals:

  • Cohesive Leadership: Developing a unified team that models excellence.
  • Clarity in Communication: Ensuring comprehensive understanding of roles and objectives across the team.
  • Reinforcing Clarity: Regularly reinforcing the desired organizational culture and operational clarity.

5. Optimize: leverage individual strength for peak team performance

We maximize team potential by aligning each member’s unique strengths with the team's overarching objectives:

  • Strengths Assessment: Identifying and understanding individual talents.
  • Integration of Strengths: Seamlessly aligning personal strengths with team goals to enhance both satisfaction and performance.

How We Implement Our Approach

The process begins with a detailed assessment phase, where we gather data about your team's current dynamics, challenges, and strengths. We then craft a customized development plan tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

Implementation involves a series of targeted workshops, ongoing coaching sessions, and real-time feedback mechanisms, all designed to integrate seamlessly into your team’s existing workflows. Regular reviews and adjustments ensure that our process remains dynamic and responsive to your team’s evolving needs.

Our Commitment to Your Success

Custom-Built for Your Success:

At the executive level, no two teams are the same. We design each process from the ground up, tailoring our strategies to your unique culture, goals and challenges. Our approach ensures a development plan that aligns perfectly with your organizational vision and objectives

Relentlessly Results-Driven:

Our focus is on delivering tangible, measurable results. We don’t just provide coaching—we deliver success by focusing on the specific outcomes you want to achieve.

Practical, No-Nonsense Methods:

Forget about outdated and ineffective team-building exercises like trust falls and ropes courses. We understand that senior executives need practical, impactful solutions. Our approach is designed to catalyze meaningful relationships and drive results without unnecessary theatrics. We build methodologies that foster real connections and substantial improvements in team dynamics and performance.

By partnering with AdvantEdge Leadership, you can expect a tailored, results-focused and pragmatic approach to executive development that is designed to address your unique challenges and drive transformative success.

Ready to elevate your team to peak performance? Contact AdvantEdge Leadership today and embark on a transformative journey towards sustained high performance and leadership excellence.

From Conflict to Confluence™ 2-Day Workshop

Transform your leadership team with our powerful 2-day workshop

This program will guide you through a journey of transformation, turning everyday challenges into steppingstones for success and making teamwork more enjoyable and effective.

Day 1: Laying the Foundations for Stronger Connections

Begin by addressing the critical elements that determine a team’s success. Day 1 focuses on cultivating trust and open communication—key pain points for many senior leaders. We’ll begin creating a culture where courage & vulnerability are seen as strengths and diverse perspectives are valued. This session is designed not just to improve interactions, but to transform them, enabling each team member to contribute their best, uninhibited by traditional barriers. The outcome is a team with improved function and a path to excellence, setting a new standard for what effective collaboration looks like in your organization.

Day 2: Amplifying Cohesion and Driving Results

On the second day, we shift our focus to reinforcing team cohesion and optimizing performance—essential for achieving aggressive business goals. Through targeted exercises and tactical goal setting, your team will refine their ability to synchronize efforts effectively. We address common leadership challenges such as misalignment on objectives and inconsistent execution, providing you with the tools to ensure your team can sustain momentum beyond the workshop. You’ll leave with a clear plan for how to maintain alignment with organizational goals, ensuring that your leadership team acts as a powerful engine of performance that drives your company forward.

Upon Completion:

Participants  will be celebrated as Confluence Champions, receiving a Certificate of Completion. This serves as a recognition of their commitment to transforming their team dynamics and an encouragement to continue applying the principles learned to sustain and build on the progress made.

Workshop Benefits:

Improved Collaboration: Build awareness and appreciation for thought diversity and individual strengths to forge a unified, high-functioning leadership team.

Effective Team Meetings: Enhance both team output and organizational efficiency through productive communication.

Enhanced Engagement: Foster a culture that maximizes job satisfaction, reduces turnover, and boosts team commitment.

Sustained Performance and Alignment: Gain insights to keep team performance aligned with long-term organizational goals.

Conflicts Resolved: Learn techniques for turning conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is designed for any leadership team eager to overcome collaboration barriers, enhance operational efficiency, and find greater enjoyment in their work.

Reserve your team's spot today and experience transformational growth!

Download From Conflict to ConfluenceBrochure

"I can’t express enough gratitude for my personal and professional growth while partnering with Anna. If you are looking to tap into potential you likely aren’t even aware exists, and open to exploring the whole you, I highly recommend a coaching engagement with Anna. I started my coaching engagement through a corporate sponsored program focused on leadership principles. Entering the program, I made some assumptions that it would be a very..."

Sean McKay

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"Anna is a wonderful executive coach. Regardless of the goals I set out, and the pivots that I needed to make, she was continuously able to steer me in the right direction so I could get past the hurdles in front of me. She has been quick to understand the root causes of roadblocks and ready with guidance on how to approach and overcome these obstacles. She is very patient and caring and always had a positive attitude when working with me. I..."

Felicia Swartz

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"“Anna is a masterful facilitator. Her exceptional ability to connect with diverse groups makes each session a memorable experience. The impact through her workshops is truly transformative!” "


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"Anna is a thoughtful, brilliant coach. Anna helped me shape my own authentic leadership style rooted in my values and supported by the best practices in the leadership field. I’ve worked with Anna on a wide range of topics including leadership, team management, talent development and managing my anxiety. Anna has given me very concrete ideas that I’ve been implementing daily at work - and she tailors her coaching to me, my leadership style..."

Baira Dyakieva

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"This journey has been incredibly enriching, providing me with profound insights into the latest digital transformation strategies and the critical role of leadership in fostering innovation. A Special thank you to Anna Barnhill for exeptional guidance and inspiring office hours. Her expertise and passion truly made this learning experience unforgettable. The experience not only broadened my strategic vision but also enhanced my ability to..."

Arunava Sarkar

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"Anna is an incredible career coach, bringing together sound and strategic professional advice with a high degree of emotional intelligence. She has a way of helping you find the answers that are right for you. It's been so beneficial to work with her."

Erika Smakula

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"Anna helped me to achieve some big breakthroughs in the time that I worked with her. I had held strong limiting beliefs for a long time, and Anna was able to identify and help me to shift them. She did this beautifully with compassion and wisdom, while also holding the space and accountability for me to show up and do the work. I am so grateful to Anna for her partnership and support, and highly recommend her as a coach to anyone who is..."

Alison Wong

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"Anna was such a great help for me. She makes the effort to really assess the situation, was spot on with assessments of who I am as a person, helping me understand what I need to do that aligns to my values & principles. I was able to navigate thru my strengths and opportunities. In the end, the support she gave helped me figure out what I need to be successful. She had been an amazing partner in my journey of leadership growth. "

Jane Barrion

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"Anna is hands down the best coach I've worked with. She's intuitive but doesn't make assumptions, so her style is one of guiding versus directing. This allows plenty of room for self-exploration, which has enabled me to grow professionally (and personally) in a short space of time. I highly recommend working with Anna."


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"Our instructor, Anna, was absolutely delightful and highly professional. She ensured that we maintained good time, promptly beginning and ending the sessions. She confirmed that everyone had an opportunity to provide input and engage. She wonderfully attempted to get feedback from participants who were not immediately ready to jump in with comments. Anna was keen to listen to the needs of the group and invited several special guests. To me..."

Anju Kakkar

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"Anna Barnhill's expertise and engaging style made the learning experience enjoyable and effective. Her ability to create a supportive environment fostered active participation and encouraged meaningful discussions during office hours. Her prompt feedback and evaluation of assignments and forums were greatly appreciated. Overall, her commitment to our growth and development as learners was evident and had a positive impact on our learning..."

Mohana G.

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"Anna is a phenomenal coach. I have worked with a couple of coaches in my professional life. I felt her approach was more insightful and non-judgmental. She gave me time and space to speak out what I am trying to resolve or work towards. She listened carefully and pointed out what the overarching message she was hearing. I felt like she helped me self reflect and self resolve many issues. I resonated better with the outcomes or decisions..."

Navneet Sachdeva

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"Anna Barnhill is highly recommended. I was paired with her as my executive coach as I transitioned into a leadership role at my organization. My personal change coincided with organizational changes as well that posed a dual challenge. The executive coaching I received from Anna was indispensable during this time. She’s very approachable and open which allows for the level of conversation that leads to deep insight, action planning and..."

Anthony Randle

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"Attending Anna’s program was a pivotal moment in our team’s development. Her insights and methodologies have been invaluable."


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"Working with Anna, there was no doubt she was completely invested in my success. She takes a highly personalized approach to coaching and is a terrific listener—always helping me to uncover those lightbulb moments for me. I came to her to work on professional development, and I finished with having a clearer understanding of myself, which benefitted me beyond just my career. She is a trusted partner who is motivating, patient and asks the..."

Ariana Finlayson

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"Big thank you to Anna Barnhill for all the support during the Leadership and Innovation program at MIT. Anna's attentive and thoughtful responses to my comments and questions were invaluable. She is not only an outstanding teacher but also a genuinely kind and caring person."

J.P. Peralta

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"Anna went above and beyond expectations, she made the difference in making this a great and comprehensive learning journey."

Oscar Contreras

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"Anna is a masterful facilitator. Her exceptional ability to connect with diverse groups makes each session a memorable experience. The impact through her workshops is truly transformative!"

People Resources Leader

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"I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Anna as a professional coach. Throughout our time working together, Anna has been an exceptional mentor and guide. Her extensive knowledge and expertise in leadership development have been invaluable to my growth. Anna possesses a unique ability to identify and nurture the potential within individuals. She has helped me to not only recognize areas for improvement but also to excel in both my personal..."

Harpreet Sandhu

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"From the beginning, I have found Anna to be an insightful and caring coach with a natural intuition about how to tackle issues that otherwise were not apparent to me personally. Anna has patiently worked with me to think through ways to improve my outlook and actions and has not hesitated to bluntly remind me of when I have not followed through with the plans we have developed. Anna is both supportive and demanding, the best combination I..."

Casey Low

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"I highly recommend Anna as an Executive Coach. Her ability to challenge and reshape my perceptions has been instrumental in maintaining my focus on key goals. Anna’s unique approach involves skillfully redirecting attention to what truly matters, coupled with immense patience and understanding. Additionally, Anna’s method of integrating educational articles into our sessions provided valuable insights and enhanced my professional growth..."

Tony Youseffi

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"Anna is wonderful teacher! She is so dedicated and determined to help. I have an impression that she truly cares. She has been going above and beyond to support the class. Thank you so much for the overall experience."

M. Kacher

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"Anna is wonderful! She helped me pick myself up during a difficult time. She gives you the tools to help yourself. I was numb just going through the motions. Anna helped me figure out what I needed to be happy. I finally feel like I am the person I am supposed to be. I highly recommend her. My life has completely changed for the best! "

Becky McGregor

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"I cannot recommend Anna Barnhill highly enough. As my coach, I can always count on Anna to actively listen and provide meaningful input during our sessions. She has thoughtful responses and makes it a point to ask if there is something she can help with. The tools she has provided me with, will help me for a lifetime to come. I am grateful for finding Anna, and all the progress we have made together! "

Christian G.

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"Anna was a great coach to work with! She listens really well and asks pointed questions to get to the bottom of an issue. She makes me feel challenged … and inspires me to think in different ways. Her mental traps framework is very effective in helping me catching and labeling self-sabotaging thoughts as they occur, and I like the perspective switching to ask myself "what would I say/do to my best friend" to cultivate self-compassion. Thanks..."


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"Anna has been the single most helpful voice in my coaching journey. Within only a few sessions she provided me with spot-on good insights. This advice would stick to me, as powerful helpful reminders throughout the weeks to come helping me deal with anxiety. From day one she had an accurate and deep understanding of my concerns, and from there, we outlined action plans that were straightforward and effective. After our sessions, I always feel..."

Laura Novoa

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"Anna is an incredible coach and has helped me tremendously on my wellness journey. She’s been able to help me work through my issues on a large and small scale by identifying the root cause and offering concrete solutions. I understand myself in a way I didn’t before, and I am eternally grateful for Anna because of it. I highly recommend working with her!"


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"Working with Anna has been so beneficial to my career development and personal life. Her approach to coaching, identification of areas that need to be worked on, and finding solutions to life's challenges is incredibly motivating to me. In addition, she is always sharing helpful resources that I can easily follow through. Her kindness and honesty during our sessions made our conversations feel very comfortable. Thank you, Anna! "

Patricia S.

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"Anna is an excellent coach, that is extremely results-focused. She has a strong ability to create awareness of what is holding you back, as well as a plan for moving forward. She asks powerful questions that help to create amazing discoveries and helps to build you up to be able to pursue your big dreams in life. She is calm, professional, and committed to your success. As a result of her coaching, I was able to take significant steps in my..."

Chris A.

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"Anna is an amazing coach. She is a great listener and provides useful feedback regarding my career struggles. She is also providing me with effective frameworks that I haven't used before. Which is key to my momentum. I'm making significant progress personally and professionally with Anna as my coach."


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""Anna was a wonderful coach - she provided me with tools that helped get my anxiety under control, manage my stress better, and practice mindfulness. Anna has a very thoughtful and caring approach and I found it very easy to communicate with her. She helped me realize that I was frequently falling into the catastrophizing "mental trap" and I am now better equipped to challenge that thinking trap and stop myself from catastrophizing, which has..."

Daniel S.

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"Anna Barnhill was an excellent facilitator. She organized really insightful sessions with guest speakers presenting real live experiences that aligned with the course modules content. She actively listened to our challenges and created a space where all the participants felt confident to speak and share their thoughts. "

Osmara R.

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"Anna has been instrumental in providing me new tools to increase the effectiveness and impact of my communication both professionally and in my marriage. Anna coached me through various techniques to improve my perception of information presented to me while also improving my approach to connecting and delivering my message with maximum efficiency. All of Anna’s coaching has been backed with supplemental materials and role play scenarios..."

Matt H.

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"Anna has been great to work with. Her knowledge on the material and how our brain works has been extremely helpful. She has coached me and gave me tools to develop and help me when I run into problems. We have talked about multiple topics and she has found ways to help. How she is different from others is she will make you think and give your homework. She will make sure you are challenged and practice your tools to help develop your skills..."

Mike D.

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"I’m a professional and creative who typically considers herself to be a highly motivated go-getter. However, at the stage I met Anna, I was lost, angry and stuck. I wanted to blame anyone and everything but myself for my “being off my game”. Under all the layers of shame, guilt and procrastination lived the truth – I was 100% responsible for healing myself. Anna helped me uncover this reality. It felt as if her light gave me the..."

Michelle H.

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"Anna is absolutely amazing at what she does. She has helped me to overcome some very difficult things in my life such as being my worst critic, help manage my anxiety/stress, and giving myself self love. I couldn’t be more grateful for my sessions with her. Dealing with such raw emotions and not having the tools to know how to handle them have been extremely difficult for me. She has changed my outlook on life, I would recommend her to..."

Alyssa K

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"Initially my goal was to improve Executive Presence under Pressure and I am really thankful that I got in touch with Anna. We have spoken at length at Thinking Traps, Opposite Reaction, Breathing techniques etc. etc. that have really helped me be more mindful, calm & composed. Anna is a great listener and asks very good questions which at-times makes me really & deeply think about the Why! Thank you Anna for your support on helping me improve..."

Siddharth Sodhani

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"I absolutely recommend Anna as a coach. She is gentle, intuitive, and intelligent. She debriefed my ELI assessment and did an amazing job understanding where I come from and helping me be go through my blocks with compassion. If you are looking to understand you fears and the things that are stopping you to do better at work and life in general, she is the right person! Her work is amazing! Thank you, Anna! "

Katherine M

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"I have greatly appreciated my time with Anna! She exuded an amazing balance between care and constructive guidance. She met me right where I was at every point in time and did so without judgement or critique. She offered thoughtful advice founded in both personal experience and knowledge. Anna always made sure to communicate prior to our meetings what specifically I wanted to cover, which I always appreciated. "

Luke R.

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"Anna has been an amazing coach. She has given me the necessary tools to allow me to be mentally aware and be as present as possible in order to navigate any situation at hand. Her guidance in how to use these tools and how to navigate mental traps has been fundamental and have helped me reduce stress, approach life with a much simpler outlook, and balance my time in ways I was not able to do before. - Thank you so much, Anna. I was able to..."

Daniela M.

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